adjective: lazy; comparative adjective: lazier; superlative adjective: laziest
1. unwilling to work or use energy.
synonyms: idle, indolent, slothful, work-shy, shiftless, inactive, underactive, sluggish.
characterized by lack of effort or activity.
showing a lack of effort or care.
I’ve definitely been lazy these past couple of months. Lazy in my assignments, personal life, relationships, work, all because things aren’t happening as fast as I would like. I can be honest and tell you that there will be times where you don’t want to grind, because you don’t see the fruit. You see others receiving blessings that you worked hard for, and still haven’t received. You get tired of the cliché talks about not focusing on others, and how you need to keep going. Now, some of these things are true, but I would lie if I didn’t tell you that you won’t get tired or become lazy at some point. When it comes to your purpose, you will experience some things that may not be fair or have questions. One thing that God has revealed to me, is that my trust has to be in Him and not in my work. Grinding is working. A lot of times, we get so focused on the grind that we forget who we are working for. Everything we do is suppose to glorify God. Colossians 3:23-24: Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. So when you become lazy, you have to remember who you are working for. The world will make you feel like you are missing out, haven’t accomplished enough, or don’t fit in, but you don’t live up to the standards of the world. The word of God says, Romans 12:2 :Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
You live up to the standards of Christ. If your assignment was easy, then everyone would be able to do it. Lazy people don’t get work done. None of the disciples were lazy. They all had a job before, during, and after Jesus Christ. I’m sure there were plenty of times they wanted to give up, but they also understood the bigger picture. We don’t live for ourselves. We live for God and those after us. So what we do now, opens the doors for the next generation. If Jesus was lazy, we wouldn’t be here. We have to get up and do what we are called to do. We have to work and understand that there’s always a bigger purpose. Even in the midst of struggle, confusion, and tiredness there’s always a purpose. Use this time to reflect on what area of your life you’ve slacked on. How can you make it better? Who do you need to let go off ? Make the changes, because it will be so worth it in the end. Change your mind and quit hanging with people who don’t have the same mindset as you. You only get one life, so live it up !!!