It’s a new season ladies!!! Now the question is…. Are you operating as if it’s a new season???
Are you making excuses and allowing the enemy and your circumstances to get the best of you???
The word says ” To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven”- Ecclesiastes 3:1.
So know that there is a purpose in what you are going through. Let’s stop letting our troubles get the best of us. Let’s stop making excuses and making bad decisions. In this new season, let God restore you and cleanse you of your old ways. Allow God to really do a good work in you so that you can effectively fulfill your purpose. God has so much in store for you and he never said this road would be easy. Study the word of God to help you prosper!!!! Only God can help you through the season and the next one and next one.
The word says, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”- Isaiah 43:18-19.
The Lord is doing a new thing so stop dwelling on that past hurt, stop letting people agitate you, stop going back to that sin. You can do it!!! Remember all that the Lord has said and walk into this new season with the victory even If you don’t feel like it. Look at yourself and sing “It’s a new season, it’s a new day, a fresh anointing is flowing my way. It’s a season of power and prosperity, it’s a new season coming to me!